Friday, July 25, 2008

Gringo Warrior!

August is chock full of events for me. I have Spikefest, DefCon, Game Day, and a possible BBQ competition. In addition, I have a trip to Stephenville somewhere that has to happen to help out my Mother-in-Law with a garage sale (I'm referring this event as the "Dublin Dr. Pepper run").

Of all the events, I'm most excited about DefCon. DefCon is a 'hacker' convention that deals with not only hacker tech, but mostly hacker culture. I'm no hacker by any means, but I love the culture and I'm really excited that my company is 'forcing me to go on their dime'. There are two happenings at DefCon that have piqued my interest the most, Toxic BBQ Iron Chef and Gringo Warrior. Unfortunately, I won't be in town for the Toxic BBQ competition, but I want to make it (and possibly compete) in Gringo Warrior. What is Gringo Warrior? Think of it as sort of a lock picking obstacle course in the theme of a party trip to Mexico gone bad. The idea is that you are part of a group that went south of the border to party it up, got wasted, and woke up in a Mexican jail threatened by corrupt Mexican police. You have to get out of your cuffs (within 5 minutes), pick the lock on the jail cell door, evade the guard, find your passport (in a locked cabinet of course), pick the lock of the jail building door, and get away. There will be 3 levels of difficulty for each challenge with more points assigned to higher difficulty. The person with the best time/score will be the Gringo Warrior! I'm not sure if they are going to require that you be hung over while doing this, but it should be a good time! I just need to find me a pair of handcuffs to practice (, please do not offer to donate your pair, I don't want to know what you do with them).

At the end of the month, Cabelas is holding its 1st BBQ competition in North Fort Worth. A co-worker of mine, Dave and I have been wanting to do some sort of competitive BBQing for quite some time now. This one seems to be pretty accessible to us from both a distance aspect and competition level aspect. Its not a sanctioned event, so hopefully the die hards will not be in kill mode. Anyway, we are thinking about entering the brisket and pork shoulder competitions. Of course, this all hinges on our schedules...August already is booked with other things.

Speaking of Cabelas, a co-worker came back with a whole bag of spicy pork rinds from a stand outside the Cabelas front doors. They were a bit spicy, but they also had some sort of garlic/oregano taste to them that really put them over the top for me. I think these are the best pork rinds I have ever eaten! Since I work so close, I think I'll have to add it to my lunch rotation when I'm not sweating all over LA Fitness's gym floor.

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