Friday, July 18, 2008

Im feeling a little nostalgic today.

This week I have been emotionally 'off'. I suppose it started with losing our volleyball finals match on Monday night and was compounded by lack of sleep. Sometimes I go through emotional down cycles and I think this is one of them. Last week, I was on an emotional high. I was in The Word, winning volleyball games, losing weight, etc... I guess this week was an emotional 'correction'. Anyway, what usually happens near the end of these cycles is that I get nostalgic for the days of yore and started poking around YouTube for some inspiring music. My search started with, believe it or not, some Barry Manilow. I heard a clip on a radio sports station and it brought back memories of my youth. I think that lasted about 2 minutes when I realized how 'un-manly' that was (Barry writes the songs and all, but unless you are trying to woo women, his music has little application for 'real men'...I need to go lift some weights). Anyway, still feeling nostalgic, I stumbled across a very cool rendition of one of my childhood cartoons, Star Blazers. It was a recording of a chamber orchestra playing the main theme song! It was very well done. However, looking at the related links, I found something even cooler! The main theme song done on recorders...5 of them! I posted both links on my YouTube list below.

I actually feel better now! YouTube again has saved me.

To complete my emotional swing, mass quantities of food is in order. For lunch I'll probably do either Chapa Grill (a local Brazilian buffet place) or Buffalo Wild Wings. My boss had discovered some sort of burger creation with pulled pork and a huge onion ring on top (plus your choice of wing sauce).

Volleyball for me has about sucked the past week. I'm having trouble staying focused and I feel that I have let down my team(s) in ways that are uncharacteristic of me. I have Spikefest coming up and I need to find a way to battle through this funk.

My daughter has been really cute lately. She is all about 'helping'. She follows Lisa around all day asking to do what she's doing (to Lisa's chagrin). Last night, she wanted to help cook. Both Lisa and I were cooking a pasta toss and she wanted to help stir, make pesto, cook chicken, etc. Lisa and I were on opposite sides of the kitchen preparing different items and she had 2 stools that she would run back and for to climb up and down trying to help. She didn't want to miss anything. I love her enthusiasm! I think it would be really cool if she develops a love of cooking like her daddy! I'm smiling now as I remember her trying to show mommy how to 'flip the veggies' daddy.

Lisa's been really great too! I have been playing a lot of volleyball lately and she has been really good about that. I don't know if she really understands how much volleyball is a part of my life, but she does a really good job of supporting me, considering she really hates to be alone at night, especially late. Sometimes I don't think I deserve her.

Another update on my driving experiment. Things seem to be going well. I hit 300 miles with what looks like a quarter tank of gas to go. Usually, 300 miles is about the time I start looking to fill up. Unfortunately, I hit some traffic coming in this morning and my gas mileage suffered. I expect to fill up on my way home from work. Well see how much gas I have actually saved.

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