Thursday, July 24, 2008

I had the day off yesterday.

Yesterday I had reserved a day off to get some medical tests done. I have had some strange symptoms that prompted me to go to the doctor a couple of days ago and I went in for some followup tests. I'm being vague because I'm not ready to talk about it yet. Lets just say that the tests went well and I am waiting for the results.

For the rest of the day, I had a chance to relax and just spend time doing some things around the house. Lisa and I worked in the garden/pond area cleaning up some plants and pulling some weeds. Lisa had mentioned that it was nice to have me around to help her. She usually does the garden stuff on her own when she has time, but lately its been a struggle for her. I enjoyed it too. Even though I don't enjoy 100+ degree Texas weather, there is something therapeutic about manual labor, especially when you get to see positive results when you are done.

Our garden is overrun by ants! Not the crazy ants of South Texas, but those horrible fire ants. I suppose we need to get some serious Amdro down. I'd hate to think that Aly might find a hill and get attacked.

What else did I do yesterday? I hit the gym after my appointment. It seems that after every volleyball season, I go into crazy offseason workout mode. This time I am picking back up my plyo training and yesterday was pretty intense. I did sets of no-arms, jump-n-reaches, depth-jumps, and jump rope. Im hoping that this renewed drive will help me to lose at least 10 lbs before the fall season starts.

I discovered Twitter today. Someone had mentioned something about it a while back, but I really didn't understand until I went. Its basically a near real time blog so people can track what you are doing. For example, lets say at 1pm you go to log it. When you come back, you can put in another log. I suppose if you are determined enough, you could log your whole day from eating breakfast to going to the bathroom to going to sleep at night. I find the concept both fascinating and freightning. Maybe this will be the entertainment of the future. People would watch other people twitter all day and live their sorry lives vicariously through someone else's online personality. If anyone catches me 'twittering' please kick me in the behind.

Tonight I get to meet with my accountability partner. I haven't met with him for a couple of weeks and I have a lot to talk about. Basically, I have been on a rollercoaster of emotions this past 2 weeks and have discovered a lot about myself, but have picked up a few scars along the way. Not suprisingly, I haven't been in the Word as much as I need to be and I think that I have been suffering because of it. I need him to give me a real slap in the head.

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