Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Is 2 cups of coffee going to be enough to get me going this morning? Signs point to no. The past couple of nights, I haven't been sleeping for some reason or another. It all started Saturday night, game night. Monday night, I was up pretty late hanging out with some volleyball buddies, and last night, the night I was determined to go to bed early (by 9pm), w@rk called around 10pm and I had to go save the world. Anyway, the forecast for today looks like an early crash around 9am and again at 2pm. I'm hoping that an early morning blog will help to stimulate the brain....hmm I wonder if there is a market for something that would allow people to blog and exercise at the same time, exercising the brain and body at the same time...Ill call it the "Jog and Blog". I suppose its better to come up with a product first then name it, but, hey, I'm sleepy and little things amuse me right now (I'm going to read this in a couple of days and wonder what was up with me).

I promised Lisa a movie tonight. Her mom is in town today and I was hoping on dumping Aly off and going to the movie theater. However, in light of my sleepiness, I think the plan will be to rent a movie. I'm probably going to fall asleep no matter where we watch a movie tonight, no sense in paying $10 to do it in the theater.

The boss just popped his head over the cube wall and told me to go home an hour early because of last nights 'world saving' activities. Things are looking up...good things happen when I 'job and blog' I suppose.

What else...

This weekend DCI is coming to town. I was a band geek in high school and Drum Corps were always a big hit. I haven't been to a show since high school when they came to the Cotton Bowl. A volleyball buddy of mine mentioned that they were coming to Denton no I thought that it would be worth it to check it out. Last night, after saving the world, I checked out what the Cavaliers were doing this year. Looks like they are doing some sort of samurai show. I'm a big fan of Japanese feudal warfare culture, so I was naturally excited when I saw some of the clips of the Cavaliers 08 show. Here is a clip of their show:

Cavaliers 08 show: Samurai

Also, the Blue Devils will be performing. Along with the Cavs, the Devils are the top corps this year. Its a treat to see them go head to head! Here is a clip from the Devils this year:

Blue Devils 08 show clip

Update to my gas saving experiment...

Again I drove 60 mph this morning to work. I have started to notice that my fuel gauge seems to be dropping more slowly than before. I have 5 lines on my fuel gauge and typically I can go 50 miles by the time I reach the 1st mark, 100 miles by the second, and 150-200 miles by the middle mark (its not that accurate I suppose). Already, I'm at 100 miles and I am only halfway between the 1st mark and the second mark. Its too early to make any decisions, but I'm hoping that by the time my tank is near empty, I can significantly surpass my usual 300-320 mile range. Oh...I'm getting more comfortable with people passing me. *shrug*

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