Tuesday, August 5, 2008

This past weekend!

Well, I survived SpikeFest 08! SpikeFest is an annual outdoor grass volleyball tournament. I have never played in SpikeFest and I made an effort to pull together a team this year to compete. I had a great time, although the weather was absolutely a beating. On Sunday, it got up to 107!!! As mostly an indoor player, this was insane. Lisa still goofs on me for even attempting to play in that weather (in fact, she was even planning all the things I could get done in the yard because I 'loved the heat so much'). My team played great, although we didn't get past the second round, we did finish second in our pool. To our credit, all the matches we lost, we took it to a third game (best 2 out of 3).

Monday morning, I woke up with all kinds of soreness, nicks, bruises, aching this and that....you name it. The worst part was my toes. Apparently the shoes I played in were not good for grass volleyball. I did do a lot of side to side work as I did more blocking than hitting. Anyway, I have a few more blisters on my feet than I had before. Overall, Im glad I did it and I felt that I played with a team with good skill and, even better, a great attitude about everything.

What else...

I have tons of work to catch up on. There has been a lot of bad stuff out there that has been keeping us on our toes. The whole DNS Cache Poisoning deal has everyone up and arms. I suppose there is always something out there. The bad guys have way too much time and money on their hands.

Speaking of...Defcon this weekend. Another first for me. Should be fun. Vegas, here I come!

Not work related...

I had my first celebrity look-like accusal a couple of weeks ago. Some girl behind the counter of a local candy store was eying me strangely while me and the family were buying some goodies. After a while, she said I looked familiar and that I looked like 'one of the guys on Lost'. Now, there are all kinds of guys on that show, some are people you wouldn't mind looking like, and others that you would rather not, and believe me, after she told me this, I mentally went down the list of guys that she could have meant. This was a very neurotic moment for me...what if I look like Hurley or Ben (Ben is not exactly 'ugly', but he does have a weird look to him)? Anyway, after we got home, I frantically looked through the web trying to figure out who I may resemble and I think my mind is at ease with Miles. Lisa said that he looks 'typically asian' and agreed that I COULD resemble him (more so than the other guys on the show...which Im ok with). Some people may like being accused of looking like a celeb, but I'm ok with not going through that experience again.

And lastly, a quote that I found interesting...actually an answer to a riddle:

'You give your keys to your best friend and have him drive the old lady home. Then you sit with the girl because she is the girl of your dreams"

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