Friday, September 19, 2008

I'm convinced I have a doppelganger.

So, three times this past week, someone I have never met before, has come up to me and told me that they have met me before. Thats possible, but all three of these people are new to the area and have just moved from out of the state. I don't know what to make of it, but I hope that my doppelganger is not making lots of money off of my looks...hey! my wife has that 'mental disorder' that makes me look good to her, Im sure there are others out there...maybe my doppelganger has successfully cornered that market. I just hope he hasn't pissed off any foreign nationals with armies of 'no-necks'.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Just an update

Ok, so no Soy Sauce ramblings this time. Just a simple update on what I have been up to lately. This past weekend, Lisa and I put together a wooden play set for Alycea. I am so thankful for Lisa's organizational skills. We bought the building from Toys R Us as a big kit. She actually took the time to label every piece of wood and seperate the hardware (nails, screws, etc...) into little baggies corresponding to each step in the instructions. Needless to say, while time consuming, the assembly was a piece of cake. We just have to attach the swings and anchor it to the ground. Alycea will soon be in swing set heaven.

I have been playing some volleyball lately. I have been blessed with meeting some great guys in Frisco that I actually get along with. We have been playing a league in Frisco that is suprisingly pretty competetive (although there are some teams that are definitely not). Last night we went to this place in Richardson to play with 'the big boys' and I felt we did very well. In fact, we were able to beat the team that usually holds the court (when we play winner stays). It helps that we picked up the best player in the gym, but I was impressed by how fast our team is on defense. Personally, I have been motivated lately because one of the people that plays in Frisco was the Division II All American Libero last year (not to mention Division II record holder for digs in a season) and plays very inspiring defense. I have decided to try to elevate my defense. I think we can be competetive this season in USAV (I didn't say we would win, especially since here in the NT region, they mix all level, but we wont embarrass ourselves). Now I need to get over this latest bout of knee pain I have gotten from overtraining lately.

I am so glad football season is here. Baseball is big here in the office and I think that if football season had come up any later, I would have hung myself. But my Broncos are off to a great start after embarrassing the hated Raiders this past weekend. Bring on the banged up Chargers!

Kinda bummed that I will miss game day this weekend because I have to w@rk.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

ok, so Im a Soy Sauce Snob!

Yesterday, we spent the day recovering from a very long weekend. Lisa was out of town helping her mom with a garage sale, and I was left to fend for myself. Although I got to play a lot of volleyball, I usually don't do well when Lisa is not around. Her mere presence keeps me from reverting back to my college, 'stay up all night' days and not having anyone to come home to after work makes me stay at work way too long. Anyway, we took advantage of Labor Day by resting and getting some grocery shopping in. I decided to hit the local asian market for some foodstuffs that were wearing thin in the pantry, most notably soy sauce (ok, I was totally out...bad asian!). So, I just figured that I would hit the local H-mart and grab some soy sauce along with a few other smelly items (yes, I did bring them for Im going to be 'that guy'). H-mart is one of those super asian grocery chains specializing mostly in Korean items, but they do stock items from all over asia (and even a small Mexican section...I live in Texas after all). Anyway, the first place I hit was the Soy Sauce aisle. For some reason, I believe that the only ingredients that should be in Soy Sauce is: water, soy beans, and salt. Would you believe that the only bottle of Soy Sauce that had only those ingredients was $16! There must have been over 100 different brands of Soy Sauce. Most of them contained wheat, but some of them contained weird ingredients like High Fructose Corn Syrup and 'spirits'. One of them contained an ingredient called 'Soy Sauce'...go figure. I don't know why this bothered me so much, but I felt like ranting. A call to Lisa and my good friend Jason only netted me goofing and ridicule. Frustrated, I purchased all of my other goods and drove over to a smaller market down the road, Ko-Mart, another Korean grocery store that I had had more success in the past. What do you know...they had several bottles of Soy Sauce with the minimal ingredients I required...for only $3. Victory was mine! I bought a big bottle this time (I couldn't tell you the brand because it was in Korean...I couldn't even type it if I did know). Bottom line, Soy Sauce shopping annoys me. I guess this is the price I pay for being a Soy Sauce Snob.

Hey! I never said that you would get useful information, nor even be entertained, by reading my blog.