Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh hey! Everyone else seems to be doing it!

Today is the birth of my blog...proving once again, I am no match for peer pressure... peer pressure 1000 - ikiru 2 (I didn't do drugs and I don't have credit card debt).

I suppose today is as good as any to start a blog. The winter indoor volleyball season came to a close last night. We got second place as our team was decimated by schedule conflicts and injury. The first place team was really good, but I felt that we had as good a chance to beat them as any if we were full strength. Oh well...well get 'em next time!

I hit the gym today for lunch. I always feel extra motivated the day after volleyball season ends. Last season end, I vowed to lose 10 pounds, and achieved my goal, plus some. This time, Im vowing to lose a bit more, plus really increase my vertical. I've started a jump program three weeks ago and it seems to be helping. Today was leg day. Because of the post season motivation, I really pushed myself and Im on the verge of suffering at work. Thank goodness I have a desk job!

Last night, Alycea (my 2 year old daughter) and I were playing with her shape sorter...you know, the toy where you have to put plastic shapes into holes only designed for them. Previously, she really had no idea that the shapes were different, just that somehow, if she wiggled a piece enough, it would fit into a hole. Yesterday, however, she was able to visually match the piece with its proper hole and do the game by herself. In fact, we had just pulled it out when I had to get up to briefly take care of something on the stove. When I got back, she had already put in three pieces by herself. I couldn't believe it! She made Daddy proud. Even Mommy was surprised...and she spends the whole day with her. Aly is getting smart, and I'm positive Mommy has a lot to do with that. Unfortunately, Mommy has her limitations when it comes to computers, so I will just have to pick up the slack. I heard toddlers pick up languages quickly, so I'm thinking of getting her into C# as fast as possible. I think programming is a good thing to teach her. It will increase her problem solving skills and overall intelligence. Plus, if my experience has any truth to it, it will keep her from dating...hmm...maybe a CHS and Brazilian Ju-Jitsu may be a better option.

Wow! One can really waste a lot of time on these blogs...I suppose if you made it this far, you are proof...and no, you can't get your 5 minutes back.

I've been reading up on a game called Pandemic. One of my gaming buddies got it for his birthday. Its basically a co-operative game about finding cures for 4 major pandemics before they destroy the world. Sounds interesting and it is well received by the BoardGameGeek.com community. I'm not sure how I feel about co-operative games as I have fallen out of favor of the last few offerings that have crossed my plate (Shadows Over Camelot, Vanished Planet, Lord of the Rings), but this one promises short playing time and intense action. I hope to play it at the next Game Day.

Well, I suppose this is enough for my first blog. I didn't want to set the bar too high, but blogging can be a bit addictive. Till next time!


*enjoy the sauce*

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