Friday, March 14, 2008

Is it the end of the week yet?

Dental Day

So, thursday, I spent the day sitting in a chair with Loryn sticking her fingers in my mouth and probing my gums. Yes, she was my Dental Hygienist du jour as I went in for my 6 month checkup. She is very nice, but I always feel awkward having a conversation while they work...its kinda hard to get a word in edgewise when they have their hands in your mouth. Either way, she is very good and my cleaning went without problems. However, the Dentist...well call him Dentist Danny, came in and reminded me that I still have $1400+ worth of work to do. Another reminder of how my childhood is coming back to haunt me. Kids, if you happen to read this, floss! Floss like crazy! Deep cleanings and root canals are not fun. Did I mention floss? Now, I sit at my desk with a pack of "Plackers" and pick at my teeth every time I think about it. I know that this sounds kinda gross, but, hey, I don't get many visitors to my cube and if I do, flossing with a "Placker" is visually more appealing than flossing with floss. "Oh, hey Bill, let me get this string out of my mouth first..." If you still think this is kinda off-putting, try getting a couple of deep cleanings and a root canal and see if your opinion changes :p


Last night I played some open gym volleyball in Richardson. I was "forced" to play middle. If you have ever played volleyball at a competitive level, you know that the middle jumps on every play. Needless to say, I am extremely tired today. Plus, this morning was "Plyo Day" so I think Im going to just hang out in my cube...flossing.

I weighed in at under 202lbs yesterday. From when I started being "healthy" back in November, I have lost around 16lbs. My goal is, I should reach that within a month or 2. I think my new Plyo program is working not only to strengthen my legs for volleyball, but to help me lose weight as well...they say jumping rope can burn 1000 calories per, if I could jump rope for an hour, I would be set!


The girls are doing well. Lisa was telling me that Aly really liked her swimming lesson. Also, potty training is coming along nicely. In fact, Lisa told me that Aly refused to go in her pullup while at the store. She actually held it while Lisa found a key to the store restroom! Our goal of getting her trained before we have another is looking to be well in reach.


Next week is game night at Jason's house, but I won't be going because its Easter weekend. I really wanted to try out Pandemic, but I guess Ill have to wait til April.


Last night was Pizza night! I like Pizza night because its so easy. Just pull it out of the freezer and plop it into the oven. I have still yet been able to justify the time it takes to make home made pizza...but Im sure a new Kitchenaid Mixer might help in that department.

I think tonight we are going to grill some burgers.

Kroger is having a 99¢/lb Brisket sale this weekend. Im thinking about buying a couple and cranking up the smoker.

Ah entry #2 is in the books. Im still pretty random and chatty, but Im hoping over time Ill be able to weed out the crud and actually produce a blog that is semi-entertaining (not that anyone reads this anyway).


*enjoy the sauce*

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